Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.

Benjamin Franklin

Got Questions? We’ve got Answers!

I want the potency of “In the Moment” training, but don’t know how to do It!

That’s why we are here. You do your role and we do ours.

Let’s suppose at your workplace, a training module just isn’t sticking with your employees. The printed manual was skimmed through. The powerpoint was boring. The video was of slightly bad quality and wildly out of date. Suddenly you have an inspiration to access simulated experience based training. Great idea! But how? The staff are not actors, or script writers. You don’t feel you can run a simulation with confidence. Who can? We can.

We will:

Cast and train actors
Design tailor made script and scenarios
Coordinate the simulated event

You do your job as a trainer, and we do ours, as simulators. We form a powerful partnership where our expertise meets yours.

What do your services cost?

Because we offer different types of services with varying time commitments, creation requirements, and number of staff, there is not one short answer to give here. Our fees cover our writing, facilitation, and acting services. Our pricing respects our level of expertise while falling within the median scale of what companies pay for this type of service. Our fees encourage long term relationships with organizations committed to ongoing staff training, and build simulation as a staple, not an “extra” in training.

So…what do your services cost?

To give you a flavour of what our services cost we will use the example of our “Ten Hours, New Powers” Program. Writer Malcolm Gladwell proposes that it takes ten thousand hours of practice to become an expert at anything. We didn’t think you would have ten thousand hours to give us but thought even one percent of that time will yield new workplace powers!

Ten hours of simulation with three actors, and one company liaison on site would cost around 3000.00. This cost includes reasonable meeting and administration of the simulation event, some adaptations to scenarios provided for the training, and the casting/ training of the actors for the event.

Additional costs for this ten hours of simulation could include: writing services, more staffing, intensely emotional roles, and travel outside HRM.

For specific project pricing– get in touch with us! We are ready to role.

Do you travel outside HRM?

Yes, yes, and yes. Our company was created to serve the simulation needs of the Atlantic. The large part of our acting company are proud Atlantic Canadians, our director, Karen Bassett, grew up in Newfoundland, and our project manager, Genevieve Steele, is seeking opportunities to build capacity in simulation with francophone organizations in New Brunswick. We are talented Atlantic Canadians contributing to the professional development of other Atlantic Canadians.

What are your payment policies?

We have learned that different organizations prefer to pay in different ways, and in general we are flexible to those practices of payment. Our company accepts payment by cheque or e mail transfer. For projects with longer time lines and simulation design we will request a deposit of 25% at the beginning of the contract.

Should you need to cancel the on site simulation event, we require a week’s notice to waive payment for the actors. Our actors are self employed professionals and this grace period allows them an opportunity to access other work for those days.

We haven’t used this type of service before. Why now?

Why not? Other smart organizations across the country have been using it for years. Why? Because it works.

Our nearest competitors are in Ontario. There are two simulation companies whose clients range from the federal Government, Education, and Business.

We believe that simulation has not been accessed as readily in our Atlantic region because it has not been offered as readily in our Atlantic region. Not in the comprehensive, top to tail service that inPractice provides. Through simulation we are here to move your employee skills from mediocre to masterful. We are Ready to Role.

Do you offer services in French?

Soon. Our project manager, Genevieve Steele, is bilingual, and we are looking to explore bilingual service possibilities in New Brunswick. We don’t yet have the capacity to offer those services as we don’t yet have an ensemble or bilingual actors to offer the service. We see this as a great opportunity for the future growth of our company and a direct enhancement to French trainers wanting to provide simulated training en francais.

How do you cast the actors?

inPractice has a roster of actors that reflect the diversity and demographic desired for your training needs.

We select our actors carefully as they must all be professionals who not only have strong acting ability but also improvisational, simulation, and feedback skills, uncommon to many actors who are solely performance artists. We train our actors well, we treat them well, and you are rewarded with the best actors you could have for your training.

I decide to hire inPractice for my simulation but on the day it veers off course. Help!

Not to worry. inPractice always provides a liaison on site to troubleshoot and overcome any hurdles in the simulation. We are there as resourceful problem solvers who will always get the simulation back on track– from beginning to end.

Do you offer any other services outside of simulation such as diversity training?

Yes. We provide diversity education for the workplace. We have partnered with Nadya Pare and Kevin Reade, former diversity educators for the Halifax Regional Fire Service.

Read more about Nadya Pare and Kevin Reade’s amazing skills here.

One More Question?

You think outside the box. Your question is not one of the Frequently Asked kind, good for you! We want to hear it. Please send us a message and we’ll be happy answer your question personally.

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